As I have said before…just because I am half way across the world serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in a developing country….. doesn’t mean that I don’t care about celebrity gossip or the crazy things Sarah Palin says or the latest argument on The View (I had my sister send me the youtube clip of Joy and Whoopie walking off on Bill O’Reilly).

Although she is no Madonna, Beyonce or Gaga, I do love me some Britney. And I am not talking about train wreck Britney. I am talking about the Britney that was and could be again. The Britney that is blonde, skinny lip-syncing, and whose songs dominate the dance floors and whose lack of clothes causes controversy. And I do have faith that she can reclaim her true roots!
Rocking out to “Hold It Against Me” got me thinking of some of my favorite Britney moments over the years and I thought I would share them with you.
Top Ten Britney Moments
10. 1, 2, 3….need I say more. One of my favorite songs to dance to!
9. “Gimme More” performance at VMAs…. still recovering from seeing Brit Brit like that.
8. Britney and Justin…ahhh those were the good old days….and they had sex..even better!
7. Everything about “Opps I Did it Again”…especially her red latex body suit!
6. Toxic music video and Twisting boob dance move from Toxic…loves it
5. “It’s Britney Bitch”
4. Britney Episode of GLEE…heaven!
3. Dancing around with a real live snake on the VMAs in “I’m A Slave for You”.
2. Britney/Madonna kiss at VMAs… literally heaven
1. “People shave their heads all the time”…actually Britney they don’t…but loves it! This comment is right up there with Whitney’s “Crack is Wack”.
I dedicate this post to the biggest Britney fan I know….my sister Claire! Love ya lil C