Friday, December 24, 2010


Let’s go back to 1st grade geography.  On planet earth we have 7 continents: 

North America- I live here!
 South America- the Amazon river is here.
 Europe- has 3 countries start with the letter “I” (Ireland, Iceland and Italy)
Asia- has tons of people
 Australia-where Oprah took her entire audience
Antarctica-where it is mad cold
AFRICA- not a country but an entire CONTINENT

The reason I bring this up is because I have heard too many people (mostly people in the United States) talk about Africa as one big country.  As if the entire continent is the same.  A while there are certainly common “African” experiences and attitudes, that are present throughout the entire continent of Africa, it is dangerous to think of or speak of Africa as if it is one giant country. 

I am no expert on Africa but what I have come to understand in my experience is that Africa, as a continent, is not only physically very large but also extremely diverse.  It might be one of the most diverse places in the world.  Throughout the continent there are many different religions, cultures, attitudes, languages, regions, politics, customs, work, education levels and ways of life.  And that is why is not always a good idea to speak of “Africa” as one monolithic thing.  It takes away the beautiful and rich and complicated and DIVERSE story that is the countries and regions and peoples and cultures that make up the continent of Africa.

So if you mean to talk about the entire continent of Africa….please talk away.  But if you really only mean to talk about a particular country or region then use that country or region’s name, instead of the catch-all Africa!


  1. Frank- I love your blog and miss you. I just had to comment on my shared frustrations with people who refer to Africa as a country. At my last position, I went to this "leadership" conference that was actually just a plug for one of those mega-churches in the suburbs (long, awful story)...and there was this woman who gave an hour long speech about the starving children in the country of Africa. I nearly died- I couldn't believe how ignorant that woman was!

    Anyways, love you, miss you, keep up with the blog- it is great! Take care!

    Jo Ann

  2. this was boring!

  3. what sort of slogan is that!!!!
