And it was amazing! LOVES IT!
What is the What tells the true and beautiful story of Valentino, one of the thousands of “Lost Boys” of Sudan. Eggers chronicles Valentino’s life from his peaceful childhood in a small village in southern Sudan, all the way to his adulthood in the United States.
But it is what happens to Valentino inbetween this time that is truly unbelievable. What is the What takes you with Valentino as he flees his town and becomes separated from his family because of the war in southern Sudan. As he, along with hundreds of other “Lost Boys” walk on foot, hundreds of miles through Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. And as he spends over 12 years in refugee camps. All the while introducing the people and places that shaped Valentino’s past and future. It is truly an inspiring story. You all should definitely read it.
However, the most interesting thing about reading What is the What, right now, is the fact Sudan is now gearing up for a vote that would finally make southern Sudan a separate country. This is so major! All of what Valentino experienced was because of the war in southern Sudan. A war, waged by the government of Sudan, in the north of the country, to control southern Sudan and their precious natural resources, including oil.
Anyways… I have been wanting to read What is the What for many years now…but just never got around to it. And now I know why. It has been way more meaningful and interesting in light of the history that is unfolding in Sudan right now! If you are interested at all in violent conflicts, refuges, peace studies, Africa, Sudan, religious conflicts, children’s rights or humanitarian affairs I would high suggest you read What is the What.
Furthermore I would encourage anyone who is interested in anything in this post to learn more about Sudan. It has a fascinating story. It is the largest country in Africa and plays a large role on the continent. And follow the history in the making that will be happening in the coming days!
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