Sunday, January 23, 2011
and the Peace Corps was born
“Let the word go forth that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans…To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves…”
When you read you begin with ... A, B, C
In coming to Mozambique, I knew that the national language was Portuguese and thus knew that I would have to learn to speak Portuguese. But I also thought that English would also be widely spoken, especially because Mozambique is surrounded by English speaking countries. However, the reality is that relatively very people speak English here in Mozambique. And this should come as no surprise, as Mozambique was colonized by the Portuguese, a non English speaking country and is currently one of the poorest countries in the world.
I used to be uncomfortable with the idea of teaching English to people in developing world. I thought it was imperialistic and just another way to push Western culture onto people and places, thus expanding Western and specially American influence around the world. However, I changed by thoughts after I had a conversation with one of my social work professors. She told me that English, more than any other language is the language of power in the world, because those who know English, often refuse to learn other languages. And she is correct.
English is the language of power. It is the language that can open up countless opportunities for people and help them to gain access to resources that will help them live better lives. Among other things knowing English allows people to get better jobs, communicate and network with others who have power and even understand the latest Lady Gaga song. My professor went on to tell me that it was irresponsible, as a native English speaker, for me to hold this belief. She said that in refusing to teach English to those who wish to learn, I am merely withholding information and opportunities that can better their lives. Thus keeping the power inequality in tact.
I say all this because I now find myself, yes you guessed it….teaching English. I am currently teaching English to the staff of my two community organizations, upon their request. And the reason that they wanted to learn English, just as my professor said, was because knowing how to speak English will provide them with more and better opportunities. Of course I am happy to help them learn English, although I don’t know how good I will be at teaching English. So far, it’s been going pretty well. And don’t worry I have taught all the basics…including “hot mess”.
Just finished reading…. Exile
Exile by Richard North Patterson
Rating: GREAT!
Exile was interesting, well written, compelling and very long- it was over 700 pages. I actually started reading Exile over 2 years ago, got half way through and then just got side tracked with other books, grad school and my crazy/fantastic life. Then when I was packing for the Peace Corps, I found it and decided to take it to finish. And I am very glad I did.
I am not even going to try to summarize the book…as it is extremely detailed. But it revolves around an Palestinian mother accused of assassinating the Prime Minister of Israel and the Jewish lawyer who defends her.
Besides it being a great story, what makes the Exile so interesting is all the information about the Middle East and specifically the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which has been going on for decades, that is interwoven into the lives of the characters. The author does a good job of painting an accurate and balanced picture of the conflict.
Although I do not claim to know all that much about the past or current situation between the Israelis and Palestinians, I do know this much: That both the Israelis and Palestinians have a great amount of hate and disregard for the other. That both justify their cause with their religion. That both, yes both the Israelis and Palestinians have engaged in acts of horrific violence and terrorism against the other. And that the fighting and violence and oppression and death has gone on far too long, allowing generations of Israelis and Palestinians to know nothing else.
So read Exile. Or learn a little more about what’s happening over there. Because what happens “over there” has a direct impact on what happens in other parts of the world, including the U.S.
The Spirit of Sargent Shriver
Earlier this week I was greatly sadden to hear that Sargent Shriver, at age 95, had died. Shriver was a public servant of the highest order. He dedicated his entire life to the betterment of people all over the world. He embodied the best of American values: service, idealism, equality and justice.

In addition to the Peace Corps, Shriver also worked closely on President Johnson’s “War on Poverty”, which made the poor a national priority. Shriver helped to develop such instrumental programs and initiatives as Head Start, VISTA, Job Corps, Community Action, Upward Bound and the Special Olympics. These programs proved to be extremely successful, uplifting countless Americans by providing support and opportunities.
As a Peace Corps volunteer and a social worker, I am both thankful and inspired by Shriver’s lifelong quest to serve people and communities. He was a tireless advocate for the poor and disadvantaged and understood our collective responsibility to help others in need.
His spirit of service and justice lives on with the thousands of returned, current and future Peace Corps volunteers. It is a spirit that encourages us all to care for each other, regardless of nationality or circumstance. And it is with that spirit, working together, we can create a better more just world.
“The Peace Corps represents some if not all, of the best virtues in this society. It stands fro everything that America has ever stood for. It stands for everything we believe in and hope to achieve in the world.”
Sargent Shriver
people shave their heads all the time
As I have said before…just because I am half way across the world serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in a developing country….. doesn’t mean that I don’t care about celebrity gossip or the crazy things Sarah Palin says or the latest argument on The View (I had my sister send me the youtube clip of Joy and Whoopie walking off on Bill O’Reilly).

Although she is no Madonna, Beyonce or Gaga, I do love me some Britney. And I am not talking about train wreck Britney. I am talking about the Britney that was and could be again. The Britney that is blonde, skinny lip-syncing, and whose songs dominate the dance floors and whose lack of clothes causes controversy. And I do have faith that she can reclaim her true roots!
Rocking out to “Hold It Against Me” got me thinking of some of my favorite Britney moments over the years and I thought I would share them with you.
Top Ten Britney Moments
10. 1, 2, 3….need I say more. One of my favorite songs to dance to!
9. “Gimme More” performance at VMAs…. still recovering from seeing Brit Brit like that.
8. Britney and Justin…ahhh those were the good old days….and they had sex..even better!
7. Everything about “Opps I Did it Again”…especially her red latex body suit!
6. Toxic music video and Twisting boob dance move from Toxic…loves it
5. “It’s Britney Bitch”
4. Britney Episode of GLEE…heaven!
3. Dancing around with a real live snake on the VMAs in “I’m A Slave for You”.
2. Britney/Madonna kiss at VMAs… literally heaven
1. “People shave their heads all the time”…actually Britney they don’t…but loves it! This comment is right up there with Whitney’s “Crack is Wack”.
I dedicate this post to the biggest Britney fan I know….my sister Claire! Love ya lil C
Sights of Quelimane
A man, probably in his 40s driving along, very slowly…rocking out to none other then to “Ganstas Paradise” the classic rap song by Collio. And by rocking out, I mean it was blasting as loud as ever and he was literally doing an interruptive dance. It was truly amazing! What a great jam!
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