Friday, April 8, 2011

Put Your Claws UP!

Want Your Bad, Your Bad ROMANCE!

You all know that it was only a matter of time before I had Mozambican children doing Gaga’s “Bad Romance” dance, monster claws and all.  And let me just say these little monsters did Gaga proud!  If you have not yet seen them then you should check it out on youtube NOW! And share it with every one you know. 

When my site mate, who works with a girls program asked me to help her teach her girls some American dances I couldn’t think of a better and more fun dance than Bad Romance.  For those of you who are like ‘ummm what the hell is the Bad Romance dance anyway’ you need to stop reading this post immediately at watch the brilliant and epic music video for Bad Romance and then you will know why Mozambican children and really everyone should learn the dance. 

When we told them that we were going to teach them some Lady Gaga all the girls went crazy and then started singing Bad Romance.  It was heaven.  They totally love Gaga….but who doesn’t? 

Before we even started dancing, we showed them the music video.  They were obsessed.  Most of them had never seen this music video.  I thought it would be cool for them see the video and then learn the dance that is in the video.  It was so cool to watch their faces as they watched for the first time the insanity and brilliance that is Gaga’s Bad Romance.    

Then I broke down the main dance sequences for the girls and showing them first and having them mimic me.  I also counted out loud each dance sequence for them, which really helped them.  Although it took several tries they learned the dance relatively fast and were excited to practice.  By the last time we did the entire dance they were pretty good.  But the best part was seeing them getting into doing the monster claws and monster faces.  I was literally obsessed!  And so were they.  We all had so much fun.    

My site mate and I decided that each month we would teach the girls another iconic American dance.  We are thinking for next month “Bye Bye Bye” and “Thriller”  Any other suggestions?!?


