Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Month in Mozambique! Hooooorrrrrayyyy!

Hey People! Exactly one month ago today… I left for Mozambique!  Kinda crazy that already a month has gone by.  In some ways it feels like it was just days ago I was in the states and in other ways it feels like I have been here for months.

Right now I am in the midst of week four of Peace Corps Training. Peace Corps Training is a span of time in which all the new Peace Corps volunteers (there is 71 of us) live with host families and are trained in areas of language, culture, safety and health.  Because I am a health volunteer, I also spend a good amount of time learning about various health issues in Mozambique as well as how to effectively identify the needs of a community.  As of now, I don’t know exactly what my assignment will be or where I will be for the next two years.  I will be finding that out in the coming weeks.  So very exciting!

Training is taking place in Namaacha, a town located right on the Swazi border and about an hour and half away from Maputo (the Capital and largest city in Mozambique).  Namaacha has been a great place to stay thus far, although it does get muddy and you all know how much I hate the mud.  The community has been very welcoming and open.    

A major part of our training is learning Portuguese, which is the National language of Mozambique.  I spend several hours a day in language class or studying Portuguese.  Although I do have a Spanish background, the language is somewhat difficult for me…but I am getting it!  Something that really helps with learning the language is that I am also living with a Mozambiquan family. 

My “host family” has been great! In the house I have a Mama, a cousin who is 19, two sisters, 11 and 8 years old and a little brother who is 3 years old.  I have been living with them now for almost four weeks and feel pretty comfortable sharing a home with them.  My sisters and cousin help me with my Portuguese and have also been very open and patient with me as I struggle with the language and become aware of Mozambiquan culture.  We also do a lot of laughing and dancing, so pretty similar to my life in America!  Right now I am teaching them the entire dance to Bad Romance! It is so fun.  And ps… people LOVE Bad Romance here!

This last month has been a rollercoaster of emotions, thoughts, judgments, predictions, challenges and opportunities. But if I needed to use one word to sum up the past month it would be P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E.  

ps (while i was typing  P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E I was also singing to myself the song from Legally Blonde the Musical....Ohmigod! you guys!) 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I know many of you, all around the world are wondering what I eat here in Mozambique.  Naturally that is pretty much the very first thing that my mother, “C” asks every time we talk.  Come to think of it…it doesn’t matter where I am, New York, Mozambique or Chicago, C is always worried about what I am eating and how much I am eating.  I guess that is one of the many important jobs of a mother- make sure her child is eating! So far I am still a vegetarian! WhoooHOOO! Although I do eat fish.

There are 3 meals a day, plus 2 lunches (which are snacks, built into the day).  So I am always eating…don’t worry mom! The following is what I eat almost everyday: bread, coffee, peanut butter, rice, oranges, bananas, cookies, rice, water, various vegetables, rice, eggs, potatoes, and more rice.  My host mother is also very concerned about my eating….she is always wanting me to eat more…just like C.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Beyonce Preggers?

What?!? What?!? Yes the news or rumors have hit Mozambique!  And I literally can’t get enough...whether it is a rumor or the truth.  I LOVE it! Remember just because I am in the Peace Corps and living in Mozambique does not mean that I care any less about juicy or not-so-juicy celebrity gossip.

I thought this would be great time to relive my top 

5 favorite Beyonce moments:
5. Everything Destiny’s Child
4. Beyonce teaching me to pat my weave
3.  Dreamgirls...and J Hud winning the Oscar
2.  Single Ladies music video
1.  Get Me Bodied at the BET Awards…literally epic. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

a rushed but informative email

So… as I predicted I am already do a bad bad bad job at blogging while in the Peace Corps… please forgive me and know that I am trying to do better! Anyways I have been in Mozambique now for 2 weeks (crazy I know).  I sent a very rushed email to a few of my peeps when I had internet for a hot second and I thought that I would paste that email to the blog for those of you who didn’t receive it.  So here is the very rushed email!

1. i am fine
2. the other volunteers are for the most part great!
3. my host fam is great
4. my host fam consists of mom, 2 sisters, 1 cousin and 1 brother.
5. everyone has been very welcoming
6. i am learning Portuguese slowly but surely.
7. the first thing i told my host mom "sou vegetariano"
8. the second thing is "no como carne" which is i don't eat meat
9. they have been very good about it.
10. i eat alot of "blackcat peanut butter" those south africans know what i mean.. .
11. when i landed in JoBUrg.. i thought of my south africans... reunion in Moz/Cape Town?
12. i am currently teaching my host sisters the entire bad romance dance... they are literally obsessed with bad romance..
13. i have no running water in my homestay... i do have electricity though...
14. i go to the bathroom outside in a latrine... :) so fun
15. i also bathe outside...
16. it is cold in africa
17. it is also very hot here...
18, i miss all of you like its my job
19. i think of you often...